Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  • Shinely's Privacy Policy.
     At Shinely we aim to protect the privacy of all users of this website. What follows are the details of our privacy policy.
    What information we collect
     Through your use of it is possible we may track the following information; Your IP address, your browser type, your clicks on the site, the location of your IP address, date and time of visit, pages you view on the site and the web page you linked to our site from. Should you provide us with or use use the following when purchasing a product from it is possible we may track; your name, your e-mail address, postal address and credit card information.
    How we use this information
     The information you provide on is kept within Shinely and our e-mail list hosting company and is used for internal marketing purposes only. We do not sell or share your information with other third parties or companies other than for billing and shipping purposes. If you wish to stop further communications from us you can do so either immediately by clicking the "unsubscribe" link from the bottom of any e-mails sent from us or by contacting us directly via our contact page.
    Our use of cookies and clear gifs
     Cookies are small data text files which website store on a user's hard drive that can later be used to identify that user to the website. Like with many websites it is possible we will use cookies in order to enhance your user experience, for example by remembering your preferences. A cookie cannot be read by any other website besides the one that issued it.
    Clear GIFs are similar in their function to cookies. They are used to track movement of our users on our website only. Clear GIFs are invisible on our page. Clear GIFs on our website will never track any personally identifiable information.
    How we store your information
     If we store your information we will do so on our list servers that support
    Outbound links takes every precaution possible to ensure that the websites to which are linked from are of reputable quality and respect consumer privacy., however, cannot be held responsible for the content of any third party websites to which it links. We encourage users to thoroughly check the privacy details on any third party websites.
     By accessing you acknowledge and fully understand's privacy statement. reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any point in time without notice. This policy was last revised 27/09/2022.
     If you have any questions please contact us at